Willimann/Arai (Zurich/Tokyo) are interested in phenomena and subjects that question or overcome modern dichotomies such as Nature/Culture, East/West, and the Local/Foreign. In their context-specific and research-based projects, Nina Willimann and Mayumi Arai create arrangements and narratives that explore the in-between, often in collaboration with visitors, local communities and experts.
The work of Willimann/Arai has been presented in Off-spaces as well as in the frame of renowned institutions and festivals in Asia and Switzerland, a.o. in Taipei Fine Arts Museum, The Cube Space (Taipei) Taipei Contemporary Arts Museum (TCAC), Ming Contemporary Art Museum (Shanghai), Helmhaus (Zurich), Haus Konstruktiv (Zurich), Ausstellungsraum Klingental (Basel), Nakanojo Biennale (Nakanojo/JP).