Nikolay Erofeev is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Kassel, whose work focuses on the history of socialist architecture and urban planning. Erofeev received his PhD in History from the University of Oxford in 2020 and his specialist degree in the History of Art from Moscow State University in 2014. Erofeev had fellowships at the Department of Urban Studies at the University of Basel and at the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia at New York University. Erofeev’s current fellowship is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Grant.
Nikolay Erofeev
laboratory speaker
Facilitating settler–colonialism: Soviet housing production in the Far North

Körber, Lill-Ann, Scott MacKenzie, and Anna Westerståhl Stenport. Arctic Environmental Modernities: From the Age of Polar Exploration to the Era of the Anthropocene.
Palgrave Studies in World Environmental History. Cham, Switzerland, 2017.

Meuser, Phillip, and Dimitrii Zadorin. 2015. Towards a typology of Soviet mass housing: prefabrication in the USSR 1955-1991. Berlin: Dom Publishers.

Jull, Matthew. 2016. "Toward a Northern Architecture: The Microrayon as Arctic Urban Prototype." Journal of Architectural Education 70 (2):214-22. doi: 10.1080/10464883.2016.1197672.

Thompson, Niobe. Settlers on the Edge: Identity and Modernization on Russia's Arctic Frontier. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008.
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